Why Does Mosquito Bite Itch Know The Reason

Why Does Mosquito Bite Itch Know The Reason

Mosquito bite: In the summer season, people are troubled by sweating during the day, and by the terror of mosquitoes at night. While sleeping at night, they not only bother by buzzing near the ear, but also where mosquitoes bite, the person also gets troubled by itching at that place. When you itch the place of mosquito bite, a red mark is formed there. Let’s know today why there is itching after mosquito bite.

only female mosquitoes bite

Actually, only female mosquitoes bite humans and animals. Male mosquitoes do not bite and do not spread diseases. Actually, biting and sucking blood is the compulsion of the female mosquito. They cannot lay eggs without drinking blood. That is why female mosquitoes bite humans and animals only for the breeding process. Along with this, they also spread many diseases.

Why does it itch?

The mosquito pierces the skin with its needle-like proboscis to suck blood and inject saliva into your skin. Our body reacts to this saliva. Due to which there is a lump at that place and itching starts. Some people have a mild reaction to the bite, but some people have a more severe effect.

What happens when a mosquito bites?

On being bitten by a mosquito, a red lump first appears on the bitten area. This lump does not fall immediately and is formed after some time. After this it becomes a bit hard and it starts itching. Apart from red, these lumps can also be of brown colour.

mosquitoes spread diseases

Apart from sucking your blood, they also spread many diseases. The most common of which is malaria. Apart from this, diseases like dengue or chikungunya are also spread by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes spread the infection by biting other people and animals after biting an infected person.

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